The Real Estate sector is a one of India’s biggest employers and thus needs to find a viable solution to a growing number of social, ethical and environmental concerns. Since our sector is all about creating wealth, prosperity and prominence for our clients by building ever bigger, ever faster, we often forget or tend to overlook the some of the dark realities plaguing our nation. Yes, we stand at the brink of becoming a World Power, yet its fact that several vast swatches of our population remain underprivileged.
However, we at ARCH have never lost touch with this poignant reality of our country and have thus made every possible effort to empower and make a positive difference to the lives our people and society at large.
Besides developing world-class housing complex, ARCH has also been committed towards the welfare of the all workers it employs in its building projects. We constantly strive to ensure all their needs and comforts are met during their tenure with ARCH and we constantly come up with innovative welfare schemes to raise their lot in life.
The company also aims to fulfill its social and environmental responsibility by developing high quality structures without disturbing the ecology of the place. Our projects are designed to seamlessly integrate the natural beauty of the region, uplifting its beauty, rather than hampering it.